Saturday, September 8, 2012

Totoro's New Eyes

Here i fixed the eyes, the pupil is much bigger and it is now obviously looking down or when worn in scarf mode looking up at you.
At the angle taken one eye looks a little bigger lol but its was the best photo we could take so far.
Also just fyi the base is a deep grey not brown.

Lol we definetly need to fix our photo taking skills haha ^^

 Before ^
After ^

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Felting Tips (Reblog)

First, a couple of notes about wool tops (or roving).  Your wool should be stored and handled carefully.  To felt wool, bascially all that is required is moisture and agitation, so if your bag of wool becomes damp and is handled roughly, it will soon become matted and hard to use.

When pulling off a tuft of wool to use, keep your hands about six inches apart.  If you hold too close to the point where you want the fleece to part, it will prove very difficult.

Never cut the wool – a blunt edge is difficult to felt in.

The best way is to just have a go! The basic principle is simple - by jabbing the barbed felting needle through your wool it gradually felts together by pulling fibres from below back up through the fibres on top.  You will be making simple patterns and beads in no time but to make more complex items will take a lot of practice and learning from experience.

You can needle felt wool into any shape you want just by needling it on top of a dense foam pad or special needle felting brush or polystyrene pad.  Corsages could be made this way – or decorations to attach to handbags etc. You would needle felt directly onto material if you wanted to decorate a jumper, scarf, cushion – the list is endless!

For tough work (perhaps needle felting onto a heavy, closely woven fabric) you need a thick needle and for fine detail you need a thinner needle. The lower the number of the needle the thicker it is.

Needles have small barbs that catch fibres to push/pull and entangle them.  They come in different shapes and sizes – triangular needles have fewer barbs than star needles.

For beginners, a 38 triangle is a good all-purpose needle to use and if you want a smoother finish, use a 40 triangle in the final stages.

When making pieces that will need joining together, always leave the area to be joined very loosely felted (or leave loose fibres hanging) so that the fibres get a chance to entangle at the join.

Rosie Pink Diy Original Post

PomPomPurin Nck (Progress)

It’s PomPomPurin! cut out from Peace Tea aluminum can.

Soon it will be a cute necklace pendant with a clear coating. Its still in progress and we also have idea for the rest of Sanrio characters like hello kitty, chococat, badtz maru, and tuxedosam; also cut out from arizona and peace tea cans.

Learn Something New (reblog)

There are lots of things in knitting that are deceptively simple, and the sea-foam stitch is one of them. It's a beautiful stitch that mimics the undulating movement sea foam makes as it lies on top of the water.

This stitch is formed by wrapping the yarn around the needle numerous times between stitches and then dropping the wraps as you knit the next row.

Knitting Daily TV episode 904 showcases the sea-foam Stitch. Here's Eunny to show you how it's done:
The shawl featured in the video is the Ironwork Shawl by Tara Miller, from the Spring 2012 issue of Interweave Knits magazine. Beautiful, right?

Here's the stitch pattern:

Sea-Foam Stitch Pattern (multiple of 10 sts + 6)

Rows 1 and 2: Knit.
Row 3: K6, *[yo] 2 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 4 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 2 times, k6; rep from *.
Row 4: *K6, drop 2 yo off left needle, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 4 yo, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 2 yo; rep from * to last 6 sts, k6.
Rows 5 and 6: Knit.
Row 7: K1, *[yo] 2 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 4 times, k1, [yo] 3 times, k1, [yo] 2 times, k6; rep from *, ending last rep k1 instead of k6.
Row 8: K1, *drop 2 yo off left needle, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 4 yo, k1, drop 3 yo, k1, drop 2 yo, k6; rep from *, ending last rep k1 instead of k6.
Rep Rows 1-8 for patt.

* Stitch looks best with a slippery yarn

Original Blog

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Blue Totoro Inspired Scarf

Blue Totoro as would be worn as a scarf ^^ cute huh
Well finally done lol took me long enough. and again once i have a total of 8 items up all of 8 will be available for sale at etsy.
Honestly Blue Totoro is my fav especially with his cute little bag ^^